Edinburgh Horror Festival Constitution
ARTICLE 1: Introduction
Section 1: Name
1.1The name of the organisation shall be the EDINBURGH HORROR FESTIVAL (EHF). The EHF shall be managed by the EDINBURGH HORROR FESTIVAL BOARD OF TRUSTEES.
Section 2: Objectives
2.1 The primary objective of the EHF is to stage an annual festival of horror and horror related events over several days close to Hallowe’en in October. The festival will feature various styles of performance and be open to all applicants excepting those that may be restricted for legal reasons (such as under 18s).
2.2 The secondary objective of the EHF will be to stage regular events throughout the year of a horror nature.
Section 3: Equality and Diversity Statement
3.1 Discrimination or harassment, direct or indirect, based on a person’s protected characteristics will not be tolerated.
3.2 Should a welfare or equality and diversity complaint be brought against an act or trustee, the incident will be investigated at the board’s discretion. If the act or trustee’s behaviour is found to be in breach of the Festival’s commitment to equality and welfare, the board may vote to restrict the act from performing at the Edinburgh Horror Festival, or remove the trustee from their office with immediate effect.
3.3 Neither individual trustees, nor the board as a whole shall be permitted preferential treatment regarding applications to take part in the festival. Trustees performing in the festival are required to fully follow guidelines for participants.
3.4 Equal opportunities
In relation to the board
No trustee shall behave in a way that is discriminatory toward any other member of the board based upon, but not limited to, issues surrounding race, sexuality, gender identity, religion, disability or political belief.
The decision to elect trustees to the board shall not be restricted based on any issue related in point i)
In relation to accepting acts
No act will be declined acceptance to the festival due to any protected characteristic, excepting age where that is a legal restriction.
Due to restrictions related to venues and licensing, participants in the Festival are required to be over 18 years of age on or before the first day of the festival or “get in day”, whichever is sooner.
The board reserves the right to automatically reject any act that would be in violation of the equality statement.
ARTICLE 2 : Trustees
Section 1
1.1 There shall be the following key trustees: chair, treasurer, secretary.
1.2 Other roles may be created at a general meeting, if passed by a majority vote of the board.
1.3 Trustees are not required to stand down after any set length of time and may continue indefinitely except in the case of removal due to a vote of no confidence or violation of the Equalities section above (Section 3), should the violation be deemed severe enough.
Section 2
Responsibilities of Trustees
2.1 CHAIR: The role of the chairperson shall be to ensure other members are adhering to their roles and responsibilities, provide leadership and to schedule meetings and lead said meetings. At meetings the Chair should ensure all participants are able to contribute and only move forward once a decision has been made or an agreement to table an issue occurs. The chair will represent the organisation as figurehead.
TREASURER: The Treasurer will keep a record of all accounts, of any and all monies taken in and a record of how they are used. They will be the lead signatory on any banking accounts. A secondary trustee should always be included in the account.
SECRETARY: Responsible for assisting the Chair in the organisation and structure of meetings, to ensure accurate minuting occurs and that minutes are written up in good time and made available to the committee.
2.2 Nonessential Trustees
Several roles may be required for the smooth functioning of the organisation. These roles can be taken on by existing trustees, or a role may be created to cover the requirements of the position. This can be continuous or ad hoc. The addition of these roles must be carried by a majority vote of the board.
Potential additional roles may include
Each trustee will keep an accurate accounting of duties and records of yearly activities. These records will be forwarded to the incoming trustees. It shall be the responsibility of the outgoing chair and the incoming chair to oversee these transmissions. Additional roles may be created as needed and agreed to by majority vote.
Section 3
Qualification of Trustees
3.1 Any candidate for the board must be over 18 years of age as many of the festival’s venues are licensed premises.
3.2 Candidates for the board should have no legal restrictions on their ability to work as part of the board.
3.3 New trustees should be experienced in the relevant area, or willing to learn before engagement.
Section 4
Election of Trustees
4.1 Election of Trustees shall take place annually in November following the end of the festival of that calendar year should a trustee choose to stand down, be removed by majority vote of the board or if it is decided by majority vote of the board that an additional position should be created.
4.2 Should a role require filling, nominees will be voted in by a majority vote of the board. Anyone may put themselves forward as a trustee, barring any legal restrictions. In the first instance, anyone putting themselves forward as a trustee should contact us via our websites contact page to begin the process [www.edhorrorfest.co.uk/contact]
ARTICLE 5: Meetings of the Board
5.1 A General Meeting shall consist of discussing the day to day running of the organisation and the plans and preparations necessary for fulfilling the organisation's goal of staging an annual festival and monthly events. These will be closed meetings and only members of the board are allowed to attend. The minutes of these meetings will be public.
5.2 A post-festival meeting of the board shall be held within one calendar month of the end of that year's festival. It will be a place to discuss the previous Festival, elect officers if required and make announcements pertaining to the preparation of the following years activities. A Treasurer’s report shall be read at an AGM.
5.3 The committee shall hold a General Meeting at least once a month in the months of November to August and at least fortnightly in September to October to report on committee activities and progress of events
5.2 All meetings shall be held at a time and place mutually convenient to all trustees.
5.3 In order for a decision to be made at a General Meeting or an Annual General Meeting, a majority vote must be made in favour or against.
5.4 If a trustee is unable to attend a meeting to cast a vote they may cast a proxy vote no later than 24 hours before the meeting, if no proxy vote is submitted then decisions shall be made by those present and absent trustees may forfeit their right to vote on issues raised at that meeting.
5.5 An agenda shall be provided to all officers no less than 24 hours before a scheduled meeting.
5.6 Changes to the scheduled time and/or place of all meetings should be made no less than 24 hours before said meeting, apart from in exceptional circumstances.
5.7 An Extraordinary General Meeting shall occur should some catastrophic event take place making the current structure of the trustees and / or organisation untenable (for instance, in the event of a key trustee stepping down). An EGM should be called as soon as possible, and no more than one week later, upon discovery of a serious issue, giving at least 24 hours notice. The decision to call an EGM should be by majority vote of the board OR at the chairs discretion.
5.8 All meetings will be minuted and available publicly via appropriate means.
5.9 Quorum shall consist of a simple majority of the board.
ARTICLE 6: Finances and assets
Section 1
1.1 It shall be the responsibility of the treasurer to manage the Edinburgh Horror Festival’s bank account, to ensure that costs are reimbursed appropriately and that records of the reimbursements are kept, to present an annual report covering expenses and income.
1.2 An accountant may be engaged. The decision to do so must be approved by majority vote.
Section 2
An accurate inventory of all physical assets and their location will be kept in a manner accessible to all trustees. One physical copy, where possible, shall be retained by the Treasurer and one copy shall be retained by the Chair. This inventory will be reviewed at least once annually at the November General Meeting and verified.
Section 3
Signing Officials
3.1 Cheques drawn upon the funds of the society shall require the signature of the Treasurer and/or any other trustee the board later delegates.
3.2 Withdrawal of any other society funds from repository shall require the signature of the Treasurer and/or any other trustee the board later delegates
3.3 Signing trustees shall not be related by marriage or blood.
ARTICLE 7: Affiliations
Section 1
The Edinburgh Horror Festival may enter into any affiliation with the approval of the majority of the board.
ARTICLE 8: Approval of festival participants
Applications for participation in the festival shall open no later than 6 calendar months before the start of the Festival. They will remain open until such a time as is felt appropriate by the board.
The application process will be via a submission form available digitally. There will be no submission fee.
Approval of participants will take place at General Meetings
Approval requires a majority vote after each act is discussed by trustees present
Structuring the programme will be agreed upon by majority vote.
A participation fee for successful applicants may be applied. The decision to impose a fee, and the form such a fee would take, shall be decided upon by a majority vote of the board.
ARTICLE 9: In the event of closing the organisation
Should a decision be made that the board in their entirety no longer wish to continue in their association with the organisation, or it is believed the continuation of the organisation is in peril, an EGM shall be called. A new board shall be sought. In the event that a board can not be found, and no trustee is willing or able to continue involvement until such a time as one can be, the organisation shall cease business. Any funds contained within bank accounts shall be donated to a charitable cause agreed by majority vote after any expenses or outstanding debts have been paid out. In the event a board is found, the exiting trustees shall remain in place until a smooth transition occurs.
ARTICLE 10: Amendments
1.1 Proposed amendments may be submitted by trustees.
1.2 Proposed amendments must be submitted in writing to the board no less than 24 hours in advance of a general board meeting. A proposed amendment must be submitted via email to all members as well as a copy posted in the relevant forum.
1.3 Proposed amendments shall be reviewed, discussed, and voted upon at the next general meeting. They shall become a part of this Constitution only if approved by a majority of the board present and voting at said meeting.
1.4 Any retyping of the Constitution must be passed by a majority vote at a General Meeting of the Committee, where the Chair and Secretary shall sign it as a true and fair record of the current Constitution.